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James Wilson from Bikejames.com provides some tips and lessons in his videos to improve your body position on the bike dramatically.
Testing new video settings for teaser view. 220px (grid-2) instead of 300px (grid-3).
Adding the offical Davos Kloster by using the URL from Vimeo.
Official bike folder for Davos Klosters 2012
Best photos from our vistit in August 2012.
Copied for test from:
Check if the thumbnail is created correctly to 220px.
Embedding code from vimeo.
Added thumbnail manually.
Testing uploading video. Format: m4v.
Videos from La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain.
Teaser Video for "Where the trial ends".
Some photos from my participation in the Megavalanche Alpe D'Huez 2012.
As Michael had to stay home for school and Andi managed to destroy himself before shooting we had
Visited this park and was really surprised by the option this park offers.