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French Riviera Mountain Biking website for Guiding Services - Spots & Itineraries - News & Info
The south-east of France, espacially Maritimes Alps (Nice and its back-country), is just "amazing" for mountain biking.
Why Maritimes Alps (06) are such a great place for mountain biking?
- Big mountains from the sea to Southern Alps (more than 3000m hight)
- Sunny and good temperatures all the year (300 days per year), so all-year-riding
- Thousands of colorful and technical trails, and different kinds of terrains
- Lots of nice MTB races (enduro, downhill, Transvésubienne, Trans-Provence...)
- World birthplace of enduro (in 2002)
- Hight riders level (some examples of riders living there : Vouilloz, Barel, Bruni, Amour, Camellini...)
- Wonderful landscapes, mixing mountain and mediterranean atmospheres